Anna University
Counselling Code

M.E. Manufacturing Engineering

The Department of Mechanical Engineering has been one of the core branches, which was started in the year 2008. It offers a 4 year B.E(Mechanical Engineering) Programme and 2 year M.E(Manufacturing Engineering)Programme.The Department of Mechanical Engineering has grown from strength to strength and as on date, it has matured into a pillar of strength for the Chendhuran  College of Engineering and Technology. The classes are being taught in such a way that the students get the necessary depth in the chosen area of specialization while absorbing the necessary back up knowledge so as to maintain the required breadth in the general technological tcenario. 

Vision:To be a world leader in, and renowned for, mechanical engineering and research.

Mission:The Department of Mechanical Engineering is committed to empower the students to face scientific, engineering and technological problems and mould them in to problem solvers, thereby creating an eminent resource to drive the society with continuous improvements, ultimately benefiting the mankind.

Lab Facilites:The Department has good infrastructural facilites and is equiped with full-fledged laboratories to cover the needs of mechanical engineering students.

  • Thermal Engineering Lab.
  • Mechatronics Lab.
  • Fluid Mechanics and Machinery Lab.
  • CAD/CAM Lab.
  • Metrology and Measurements Lab.
  • Strength of Material Lab.
  • Dynamics Lab.
  • Manufacturing Technology Lab I & II.

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